Perché Racale è chiamata la città delle calze

Because Racale is called the city of socks

Introduction to the history of Racale In the province of Lecce in Puglia there is a city known as the city of socks . This...

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Calze fantasmini: 5 regole fondamentali

No-show socks: 5 basic rules

Introduction to the use of ghosts When the cold subsides, the beautiful days arrive and we wait for summer, it's time for summer socks: ghost...

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Giacca e calze da uomo: le regole per l’abbinamento perfetto

Men's jacket and socks: the rules for the perfect combination

Introduction to matching jacket and socks Moving and knowing how to orient yourself in the menswear panorama is not always a trivial matter especially if...

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Calze su misura: quando la vestibilità è tutto
Calze Lifestyle

Tailored socks: when fit is everything

Introduction to custom socks You want to have maximum comfort and the best possible fit. Haven't thought about choosing custom socks? In recent years it...

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Calze che non scendono vs calze ordinarie: perché investire in calze di qualità fa la differenza

Socks that don't sag vs ordinary socks: why investing in quality socks makes the difference

Why socks shouldn't go down: the importance of wearability You've chosen the most elegant dress and shoes that match your outfit perfectly but you have...

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Che cos'è una calza artigianale?
Calze guide

What is a craft sock?

The question arises spontaneously when you see a sock coming out of a machine, falling into a basket and mixing with the other pairs. Some...

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Abbinamento calze da uomo e scarpe: 5 casi particolari

Matching men's socks and shoes: 5 special cases

Don't underestimate the combination of men's socks and shoes Combining men's socks with the shoes you've chosen to wear often raises problems of no small...

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Calze lunghe da uomo: le 3 regole fondamentali

Men's long socks: the 3 basic rules

Introduction to the use of men's long socks Is your goal to enhance your outfit with men's long socks that immediately make people understand that...

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Calze di seta da uomo: origini, vantaggi e lavorazione

Men's silk socks: origins, benefits and processing

Introduction to men's silk socks Are you looking for men's socks that allow you to have an elegant outfit like a true gentleman and offer...

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Calze da uomo a fantasia: come, quando e perché sceglierle

Patterned men's socks: how, when and why to choose them

Introduction to patterned men's socks If there is a way to be noticed and be original, creative and whimsical, that is definitely choosing patterned men's...

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Calza da uomo filo di Scozia o Filoscozia®? Facciamo chiarezza

Filo di Scotland men's sock or Filoscozia®? Let's clarify

Introduction to Scotland thread men's socks When we talk about high quality men's socks we have to be aware that there are many elements that...

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Evoluzione e nuove tendenze delle calze made in Italy

Evolution and new trends of made in Italy socks

Introduction to made in Italy socks Made in Italy stockings are sought after all over the world and are a real pride of our culture....

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Come abbinare calze da uomo eleganti con la tua scarpa
Calze Lifestyle

How to combine elegant men's socks with your shoe

Combining elegant men's socks with the shoes you have chosen to wear often raises problems of no small importance. Read the article to better understand...

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Calze da matrimonio: come scegliere le più adatte
Calze Lifestyle

Wedding socks: how to choose the most suitable ones

Introduction to choosing wedding stockings What's the best way to choose your men's socks for a wedding? The ceremony is just a few days away...

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Calze uomo particolari per veri gentleman

Special men's socks for true gentlemen

Particular men's socks: the basic rules Particular men's socks and how to find them? In an increasingly less rigid and more experimental world of men's...

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Calze di lusso da uomo: storia, segreti e tendenze
Calze Trend

Men's luxury socks: history, secrets and trends

Introduction to luxury hosiery They are often underestimated or marginal but they can really make a difference and make your style even more original. We're...

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Come abbinare calze al tuo outfit: consigli e cosa evitare

How to combine socks with your outfit: tips and what to avoid

Do you want to enhance your outfit with combinations that make people immediately understand that they are in front of a true gentleman? If this...

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